My Favorite Thing: The Set-Up
For a couple of years I used Substack to publish what they call a “newsletter.” I thought of it as just stories and blog posts being emailed to people. When I think of newsletters, I think of suburban Christmas letters and the dangerous propaganda old people get in the mail once a week from Judicial Watch.
And speaking of fascists, I ended up leaving Substack because of all the Nazis.
Maybe my readers from Substack will follow me here. But I’ve already decided that 2024 is going to be The Year I Just Don’t Care. It might even be the start of The Decade I Don’t Give a Shit. And maybe that will lead to Dying Happier Than I Ever Thought Possible in twenty or so years.
In the meantime, I’m bust doing what I love best: setting shit up. Tweaking. Changing. Wringing my hands and pulling out my hair before finally fixing the thing I just can’t get to look right. Then moving on to the next thing.
Bookmark this page, or add the site to your RSS feed, or subscribe to the newsletter that will send you a capsule of website activity each week or every two weeks or once a month or something.
If you decide to return to this site, I hope you like pictures of cats. Because you’ll be seeing a lot of them.

Quiz: Take Cover

Identify these books by their covers alone.
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